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The maximum age defined for children in this hotel/destination is 11 years, please make the necessary changes to your search
Please inform all ages of children

Stay Green is the H10 Hotels Sustainability Plan. In line with our commitment to society and the environment, its goal is to promote a model for responsible tourism in all our destinations.

The current project continues the strategy launched in 2010 and is based on four main lines of action for the period 2021-2030, following European and international guidelines and strategically defined in all areas of the company:

Zero Carbon Footprint

With the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 75%¹ ¹ Based on 2010 indicators SEE MORE SEE LESS

  • 2

    of our

    establishments have


    of their electricity contracted

    from renewable sources

  • More than


    of hotels

    use renewable

    energy systems

  • Improving energy efficiency

    through the use of

    low-energy equipment and

    the control and

    automation of facilities

  • Selecting refrigerants

    with lower

    Global Warming Potential

  • Reducing electricity, water

    and fuel consumption

    per stay Sustainable

Sustainable Water Management

We aim to reduce water consumption by 20%¹ and minimise the impact of our activity on aquatic environments ¹ Based on 2010 indicators SEE MORE SEE LESS

  • Less water consumption

    thanks to water

    efficiency measures

  • Replacement of machinery

    and processes with

    high water consumption

    by more efficient options

  • Using alternatives to

    natural grass to reduce

    water consumption in

    gardening and

    irrigation systems

  • We have


    highly efficient


    desalination plants

  • Reduced flow taps

    and showers in the

    chain's establishments

Responsible Consumption

We aim to reduce the volume of waste generated per stay by 25%² ² Based on 2021 indicators SEE MORE SEE LESS

  • By replacing amenities

    in packaging with

    dispensers, we've reduced

    plastic waste by

    23 tonnes

  • Used each year

    6 million

    fewer plastic glasses

  • By monitoring food waste,

    we've reduced our

    organic waste

  • Promoting green mobility,

    through bicycle and

    electric scooter hire

    and by installing

    charging points for

    electric vehicles

  • Recycling and

    waste separation

    points in hotels

Social Commitment

Promoting social projects in local communities and promoting positive culture and learning among employees We focus on protecting and minding our impact on the natural environment. All staff are aware of the importance of keeping the wonderful ecosystem of the white-sand beaches and wildlife-rich mangroves intact SEE MORE SEE LESS

Promoting social projects in local communities and promoting positive culture and learning among employees

The activities that are carried out include:

  • The beaches at our resorts

    in Riviera Maya and

    Punta Cana hold

    Blue Flag certification

    in recognition of excellence

    in environmental management

    and stewardship, safety and

    services, implementation of

    environmental education activities,

    and water quality

  • At our Ocean

    Coral & Turquesa resort,

    we assist with the

    conservation of sea turtles

    by providing training for our

    staff and partners on the

    importance of protecting

    endangered species

Other joint projects

  • Organisation and participation

    in the cleaning of beaches

    near our resorts, helping

    animal life such as nesting

    birds and sea turtles

  • Support for social initiatives

    helping people at risk of social

    exclusion to enter the labour

    market, financial donations

    and donations to

    social dining rooms

  • We cooperate with local

    non-profit organisations

    working on various projects

    to help developing countries

  • Helping families to

    enter the labour market

    by contracting them in hotels

Contributing to the international public agenda

Stay Green aligns the activity of H10 Hotels with guidelines and objectives defined at European and international level, and has determined its lines of action with reference to the 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations.

The initiatives proposed also conform to the European Green Deal (established in the EU's European Climate Law), which promotes the efficient and competitive use of resources with the aim of stopping greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Biosphere Sustainable Certification at H10 Hotels

Awarded by the Responsible Tourism Institute (RTI), an international non-profit organisation with more than 25 years' experience, it recognises the efforts made by our hotels according to the sustainability objectives established by the United Nations and the extent to which they are valued and chosen by tourists and the public.

Through the Biosphere Sustainable methodology, we are working to align our hotels' activity with Agenda 2030, recognising actions through which we contribute to the achievement of its 169 objectives and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

'CaixaBank Hotels&Tourism' Award

In the framework of FITUR 2023, the financial institution of CaixaBank has recognised the work in sustainability of H10 Hotels with the 'CaixaBank Hotels&Tourism' award, which honours the company's Stay Green programme, the aim of which is to promote and encourage responsible tourism in all destinations where it is present.

Through this award, the bank recognises the special sensitivity of sustainable projects in the tourism sector, such as those that include improvements in energy efficiency, accessibility, water and waste management, circular economy and those that promote the employment of people at risk of exclusion.

H10 Hotels, the first chain to certify its carbon footprint calculation with AENOR

H10 Hotels has obtained the Certificate of Conformity of Calculated CO2 from the prestigious certification body AENOR, making it a pioneer in the hotel sector in auditing and certifying the inventory of its greenhouse gas emissions.

AENOR uses GHG Protocol methodology to certify the carbon footprint calculation of activities at all our hotels and corporate headquarters. This certification, which will be updated annually, confirms our commitment to sustainability, as laid out in the Stay Green plan, according to which we aim to reduce our greenhouse emissions by 75% per stay by 2030 compared to 2010 levels.

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