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The maximum age defined for children in this hotel/destination is 12 years, please make the necessary changes to your search
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The maximum age defined for children in this hotel/destination is 12 years, please make the necessary changes to your search
The hotel features the Daisy Club, a full programme of activities for children aged 4–12, led by our team of professionals and accompanied by our mascot Daisy.
Daisy Club
Water park and family pool
Games room
Daytime and night-time entertainment
Music and shows
Minidisco with the Daisy mascot
Teen Club
An extensive programme of sports, games and activities aimed at young people ages 13–17. Teenclub room with video games available.
Our brands
Unique hotels in Spain and European cities.
Premium seafront hotels in Spain.
All-inclusive resorts in the Caribbean: Mexico, Dominican Rep. and Jamaica.
Exclusive contemporary luxury hotels in Barcelona and Lisbon.